Cultural Safety Training

“To be culturally safe you have to be culturally aware and culturally sensitive.”

Our objective is to develop cultural knowledge and skills that will enable you to better engage with and understand Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a culturally safe way.

The training is designed to inform and educate non-Indigenous peoples and organisations to meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in a culturally safe and sensitive manner. Through understanding the impacts of colonisation and of the ongoing poverty, mistreatment, traumas, discrimination and racism from a lived experience. These learnings can be implemented in both your working and personal lives.

Lizzie Adams

Dr. Raelene Ward

trent adams

What does Cultural Safety mean?

Cultural Safety is sensitivity to the similarities and differences that exist between two different

cultures and the use of this sensitivity in effective communication with members of another cultural

group. It means working from the cultural perspective of the other person not from your own


Is Cultural Safety a skill?

Cultural Safety is the foundation of communication, and it involves the ability of standing back from ourselves and becoming aware of our cultural values, beliefs and perceptions. Cultural

Safety is an overarching skill and a necessity.

Ways to understand cultural differences.

·       Become self-aware. Work out your own beliefs, values and personal biases

·       Do your own research

·       Talk to someone from a different cultural background

·       Travel

·       Be more accepting

·       Don’t stereotype

·       Everyone is unique

What is the impact of Cultural Safety?

Being aware of the common differences between cultures increase trust, improves work

relationships and streamlines projects. It also improves communication which is the backbone to any

successful team. 

This training is a 2 day course.

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